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Stomach Acid - Could Yours be too Low? 

Many times, symptoms we associate with too much acid in the stomach (pain; reflux; indigestion etc.) may actually be too LITTLE stomach acid!


Check out this video to learn more about what could be going on in your digestive system. 

Alternative Approaches:
To Pediatric ADHD, Anxiety and Depression

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Dr. Debbie Hamilton, MD is a Pediatrician who specializes in Neurodevelopmental Disorders along with integrated approaches to care.  Dr. Hamilton, MD and Erin Falco, RD discussed contributing causes of and alternative approaches to Pediatric ADHD.  Some topics include: Nutritional deficiencies, Immune health, microbiome and dietary approaches!

 Modeling Adaptive /Healthy Relationships with Food: 

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Are you a parent wondering how to navigate food/body image conversations and how to model a healthy relationship with food for your growing kids?!


Stephanie Godwin, LFMT and Erin Falco, RD discussed strategies to help parents model a healthy relationship with food.

Erin Falco, RDN & Stephanie Godwin LMFT

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