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Snacks for Student Athletes!

Organization: Erin Falco RDN, Inc.

Author(s): Libby Killeen, Dietetic Intern

Publish Date: 8/28/24

Snacks for Student Athletes

When packing snacks for a sporting event, your goal should be to enhance rather than detract from your child's performance. Young student athletes are ideal candidates to learn the value of food as fuel during the busy hour between school and sports.

Snacks benefit active children in a number of ways, such as, giving exercising muscles the energy (calories) they need to complete a task, supplying liquids to the body to stay hydrated and cool, supplying the nutrients needed for development and growth, and encouraging healing following intense workout.

Some snacks are more appropriate depending on the time of day, but each snack should be easily digested so that the blood flow is straight to the muscles. 


After School Games:

If your child is playing a sport directly after school, then they probably had lunch several hours ago and are in need of pre game fuel. The focus should be carbohydrates paired with a little protein so that they are easily absorbed. Here are some options to consider for after school snacks that will last throughout a school day:

  • Protein or energy bars, such as Larabars, Aloha bars, Clif bars, Barebells, etc

  • Fruit and nuts, or a banana and nut butter

  • PB&J sandwich 

  • Pasta salad with veggies

  • Homemade oatmeal balls


Post Game Snacking:

Snacks after a game can help replenish fluids and muscle fuel lost during exercise without making children less hungry for their next meal. Think about:

  • Carrots/cucumbers dipped in hummus

  • Whole grain crackers and cheese

  • Whole milk

  • Nut bars, or granola bars

  • Dried beans or trail mix


Morning Games:

Some kids prefer to not eat breakfast in the mornings, but having a light snack before an early game is important. In our sleep, our glycogen levels are depleted, so our muscles crave energy needed to perform their best. If your child has a small appetite in the morning, consider these options:

  • Fresh fruit with cottage cheese

  • Greek yogurt with honey

  • Boiled eggs with salt

  • Toast with peanut butter

  • Homemade muffins


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